Fetching Transaction History for HYDRA and HRC20 tokens

Get HYDRA transactions history for a given wallet

[GET] explorer.hydrachain.org/api/address/{walletaddress}/balance-history

height: 103648

Additionally, you can also specific a given block and filter out all unnecessary data:


Returns the HYDRA balance of a given wallet for a specific block

If the output is empty, this would mean there was no HYDRA balance.

Get HRC20 tokenstransactions history for a given wallet

[GET] explorer.hydrachain.org/api/address/{walletaddress}/qrc20-balance-history

In addition, you can also specify an output only for a given HRC20 token by adding the address of the smart contract

[GET] explorer.hydrachain.org/api/address/{walletaddress}/qrc20-balance-history/{HRC20SmartContractAddress}

Additionally, you can also specific a given block and filter out all unnecessary data:

[GET] explorer.hydrachain.org/balance/token?tokenaddress={HRC20SmartContractAddress}&address={Walletaddress}&height=400000

Last updated

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